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PublicatiesEk, R.C. [2016].The Royal Baroque Gardens of Het Loo Palace as a Work of Art. In: Almqvist, K. & S. Hakelius Popova, (eds.). The Royal Garden. Identity, Power and Pleasure. Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johanson Foundation. pag. 109-132. Ek, R.C. [2016]. De bloemen in de gaarde van Huis Bergh. In: De oudste tuin van Nederland: De groene geschiedenis van Huis Bergh. Stichting Huis Bergh, ’s-Heerenberg. Ek, R.C. [2015]. Aangepast beplantingsplan voor de tuinen van Paleis Het Loo. In: Groen 2015 (5): 16-21. Ek, R.C. [2012]. Het Paul Hermann Herbarium [1646-1695]. www.hermann-herbarium.nl Ek, R.C. [2012]. Historisch Groen. Passade 1(1): 12-13. Bierens de Haan, J.C. & R.C. Ek (eds.) [2011]. Conservation and renovation in the baroque gardens of Het Loo Palace, Apeldoorn The Netherlands. Conclusions and minutes of the expert meeting, 29 & 30 January 2010. Paleis Het Loo Nationaal Museum, Apeldoorn. Ek, R.C. & J. ’t Hart [2011]. Planten voor de toekomst, de botanische tuinen in actie. NVBT, Aanvraag voor de Nat. PostcodeLoterij. Ek, R.C., J. ’t Hart, B. Ursem, P. Baas & J. Wensing [2010]. Planten voor de toekomst, de botanische tuinen in actie. NVBT, Aanvraag voor de Nat. PostcodeLoterij. Ek, R.C., M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, K. Pineau, J.A.C. van Dam, A.S.J. van Proosdij & C. Braind [2009]. La Réserve Trésor, la version étendue. Report Trésor Foundation. Ek, R.C. [2007]. Het herbarium van George Clifford [1685-1760]. In: 300 jaar Linneaus. Bulletin van de Botanische Tuinen, Wageningen: 7-10. Ek, R.C. [2007]. Het herbarium van George Clifford [1685-1760]. www.george-clifford.nl Ek, R.C., M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, R. Vonk & K. Pineau [2006]. La diversité floristique de la Réserve Trésor, Guyane Française. Report Trésor Foundation. Ek, R.C. [2004]. The Petrus Cadé Herbarium. Ek, R.C., F.A. Hartmann & B.P. van de Riet [2004].The gullies of the Trésor Reserve, French Guiana. Report Trésor Foundation. Uffelen, G. van & R.C. Ek [2004]. Netherlands' oldest herbaria and botanical garden: links to traditional medicine. Symposium ' Plants in Health and Culture', Febr 16-17, 2004, Leiden. Ek, R.C. [2003]. Checklist of the flowering plants of the Mabura Hill area, Central Guyana . Tropenbos-Guyana Reports 2003-2. Ek, R.C., B. van de Riet & M.C. Doomen [2003]. The savannas of the Trésor Reserve, French Guiana. Report Trésor Foundation. Zagt, R., R.C. Ek, N. Raes [2003 ]. Logging effects on liana diversity and abundance in Central Guyana . Tropenbos-Guyana Reports 2003-1. Perreijn, K., B. Dekkers, R.C. Ek, J-K. van Amerongen, A.D.L. Akkermans [2002 ]. A survey of root symbioses of rainforest leguminous species in Guyana . Tropenbos - Guyana Series 9. Tropenbos- Guyana Programme, Georgetown, Guyana. Ek, R.C., B.G. Bordenave, R. Sluiter & E.C. van der Knaap [2000]. The floristic composition and vegetation structure of the Trésor Reserve, French Guiana. Report Trésor Foundation. Ter Steege, H., R. Lilwah, R. Ek, P. van der Hout, R. Thomas, J. van Essen & V. Jetten [2000]. Composition and diversity of the rain forest in Central Guyana . Tropenbos Guyana Reports 2000-1, Georgetown, Guyana. Ter Steege, H., D. Sabatier, H. Castellanos, T. van Andel, J. Duivenvoorden, A.A. de Olievera, R.C. Ek, R. Lilwah, P. Maas, & S. Mori [2000 ]. A regional perspective:analysis of Amazonian floristic composition and diversity. In: H. ter Steege [2000]: Plant Diversity in Guyana. With recommendations for a National Protected Area Strategy. Tropenbos Series 18: 19-34. Ter Steege, H., R. Lilwah, R.C. Ek, T. van Andel, P. van der Hout, R. Thomas, J. van Eessen & I. Ramdass. [2000]. Diversity at different scales: a comparison of large-scale forest inventories and smaller plots. In: H. ter Steege [2000]: Plant Diversity in Guyana. With recommendations for a National Protected Area Strategy. Tropenbos Series 18: 117-130. Ter Steege, H., R.C. Ek, T. van Andel [2000]. A comparison of diversity patterns of tree and non-tree groups. In: H. ter Steege [2000]: Plant Diversity in Guyana. With recommendations for a National Protected Area Strategy. Tropenbos Series 18: 131-138. Ek, R.C. & H. ter Steege [1998]. The flora of the Mabura Hill area, Guyana. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 120: 461-502. Ek, R.C. [1997]. Botanical diversity in the tropical rain forest of Guyana. Tropenbos - Guyana Series 4. Tropenbos- Guyana Programme, Georgetown, Guyana. Ter Steege, H., R.G.A. Boot, L.C. Brouwer, J.C. Caesar, R.C. Ek, D.S. Hammond, P.P Haripersaud, P. van der Hout, V.G. Jetten, A.J. van Kekem, M.A. Kellman, Z. Khan, A.M. Polak, T.L. Pons, J. Pulles, D. Raaimakers, S.A. Rose, J.J. van der Sanden & R.J. Zagt [1996]. Ecology and logging in a tropical rain forest in Guyana. With recommendations for forest management. 123pp. Tropenbos Series 14. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Ek, R.C. [1993]. De botanische rijkdom van het tropisch regenwoud. In: D.O. Wijnands et. al. Geneesmiddelen uit planten. Cahiers bio-wetenschappen en maatschappij, Utrecht. Ek, R.C. [1991]. Index of Suriname plant collectors .In: Görts van Rijn, A.R.A. [ed.]. Flora of the Guianas Supplementary Series Fasicle 2, pp. 1 - 97. FRG, Koelz Scientific Books. Ek, R.C. [1990]. Index of Guyana plant collectors. In: Görts van Rijn, A.R.A. [ed.]. Flora of the Guianas Supplementary Series Fasicle 1, pp. 1 - 85. FRG, Koelz Scientific Books.